Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 7: First full day

While we were still excited to work, we all jumped into Saturday eager to get things done, a sentiment that would slowly fade over the next few days. Our main job was to finish the floor slab on the latrine we started the day earlier which we thought wouldn't be too bad at all. Our overall sentiment began to switch a little bit after bending an absurd amount of rebar to strengthen the concrete we were about to pour.  We finished pouring that slab right after lunch and were ready to start and entire new latrine by 3:00 that afternoon.  Laying 5 layers of brick that afternoon, we finally called it quits, looking for our already needed rest the next day.  After the usual dinner times and another amazing meal, the sky had finally cleared up enough to look at the stars.  That night sky was the most vivid that I had ever seen.  It's really amazing what the absence of city lights can show you.

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